Advisory Board
The Alertix Advisory Board is assisting Alertix’s board and management with strategic advice on development and business related issues by adding a broader perspective.
Henrik Rönnberg, DiplECVIM-CA (onc), Professor
Henrik is a licenced veterinarian and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala. Diplomate of European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine 2009. He is a Professor at the Department of Clinical Sciences and Medical Oncology Centre at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Uppsala, Sweden.
Anneli Bjöersdorff, DVM, PhD
Anneli is a licensed veterinarian with deep experience in veterinary clinic and management, e.g. founding of own veterinary clinic and later as CEO at Läckeby Animal Hospital, Kalmar, Sweden. She holds a doctoral degree at Lund University in microbiology on tic-borne diseases. Today, she is responsible Education Manager at AniCura Group and before that Business Area Manager for Laboratory, AniCura, Sweden.
Olle Nilsson, PhD
Olle has lifelong experience within in-vitro diagnostics, both as co-founder of and CSO at CanAg Diagnostics AB, Gothenburg, Sweden, but also, after Canag was acquired by Fujirebio, as a CSO for Fujirebio Diagnostics Inc, US. Olle has published 100+ papers in international scientific journals regarding developing and characterizing of monoclonal antibodies and immunological assays. He holds a doctoral degree in neurochemistry at the University of Gothenburg and is now an independent business consultant.